Gordianus III
Marcus Antonius Gordianus was the son of Iulius Balbus and Maecia Faustina (or Antonia Gordiana), probably the daughter of Gordianus I Africanus. Gordian III was born around the year 225/226 AD in the city of Rome. So when he was elected emperor he was not older than 13 or 14. His grandfather Gordian I and his uncle Gordian II, son of Gordian I, revolted against the unpopular regime of Maximinus the Thracian. Unfortunately both Gordianii were defeated near Cathage by the governor of nearby Numidia who had remained loyal to Maximinus. When the news of their defeat reached Rome the senators Pupienus and Balbinus were elected emperors by the senat to continue the uprising against Maximinus rule. This was against the wishes of a great part of the population of Rome. The people prefered the grandson of Gordian I, also named Gordian, to be elected emperor. Revolts and skirmishes broke out troughout the city which only stopped after Gordian was being raised to the rank of Caesar. After this Pupienus left Rome with an army to confront Maximinus while Balbinus stayed behind to defend the city. It was not necessary for Pupienus to come into action because Maximinus was killed by his own soldiers during the siege of the city of Aquilea. Pupienus returned to Rome only to find the city in total chaos. The situation in the city had escalated between the senat, the people and the army. Also the relation between the two emperors, Pupienus and Balbinus began to deteriorate when they began to suspect each other of plotting an assasination. In the end they were both killed by the Praetorian guard who had never approved of their election and had become afraid of impopular measurements against them by both emperors. After the murder the young Gordian was elected emperor by the Praetorian gard and is now known to us as Gordian III. After may 241 AD a man by the name of Timesitheus was elevated to the rank of Praefectus Praetorio (Pretorian Prefect). He turned out to be a very capable and loyal man with whom's daughter, Sabinia Tranquillina, Gordian married in may 241 AD to strengthen their bond. The reign of Gordian turned out to be a turbulant one. In 240 AD he had to strike down the revolt of Sabinianus in Africa and solve problems along the borders of the Danube. The greatest threat however came from Persia where Shapur I had succeeded his father Ardashir I and started an agressive policy of expansion with the intention to build a new glorious Persian empire. In 243 AD Gordian started campaigning against him in the east under the supervision of his father in law Thimesiteus. The Persians were thrown back behind the Eufrate river and suffered a maior defeat in the battle of Rhesana (243 AD) after which Carrhae and Nisibis returned in Roman hands. During the eastern campaign Thimesiteus died, probably as a result of a disease. The second Praetorian Prefect, Julius Priscus, managed to get his brother Philipp elected as his successor. In february 244 AD Gordian also died in the east. His death however is surrounded with mystery. The Persians claim that he was killed during the battle of Misiche, today Fallujah in northern Irak. In the so called "Res Gestae Divi Saporis" his death is described as follows "when whe (Shapur I) were only just beginning to rule the emperor Gordian brought together an army from the realm of the Goths and the Germans and marched on Babylonia [Assyria] (Asuristan), against the empire of Iran and against us. On the borders of Babylonia, near Misikhe, there followed a frontal attack. Gordian Caesar was killed and the Roman army destroyed. And the Romans made Philip Caesar". An other source describing the death of Gordian is the author of book XI (XIII) from the series known to us today as the Sibylline Oracles. Here it is written: "a king-soldier, insatiable in war, marching against the Assyrians, a new Mars, who will push trough as far as the deep silver stream of the Eufrate river, bringing a small warlike army ........ (by means of ignorance), left alone by a friend, will fall in the ranks, strikken by the gleaming iron". A part of the so called profecy is not clear and apparently hard to translate. It looks like as if Gordian underestimated the enemy by ignorance and attacked him with too small an army. He was abandoned by the rest of his army (under the command of Philip?) and was slained.
The Romans however claimed that he died near Circesium along the Eufrate river as the result of a disease. This version was probably made up as a smokescreen to cover up the last disastrous battle against Shapur I in wich a Roman emperor was killed, the army (Philip) failed to assist him and after the battle the Romans had to pay a large sum of money to get them safely out of Persia. A short mentioning of the death of Gordian can be read in a book by Porphyrius, unfortunately without details. In his piece about the life of the philosopher Plotinus he wrote the following: "from that day on he (Plotinus) constantly followed Ammonius and under his guidance he made so much progress in philosophy that he took an interest in learning the Persian customs and rituals among the indians. It was during this time that the emperor Gordian was preparing a campaign against the Persians. Plotinus joined the army and went on expedition. He was 38 years of age at that time and had spent 11 years with Ammonius. When the emperor Gordian was killed in Mesopotamia, it was only with great difficulty that Plotinus could return back safely to Antioch". The mystery surrounding what had realy happened in the east is the cause of many stories. It is possible that later regimes wanted Philip the Arab, Gordians successor, look bad and forced writers and historians to invent stories of betrayel and murder. One of these stories tells of an uprising instigated by Philip. He supposedly sabotaged the food supply chain of the army after which the emperor Gordian was killed by mutinous and disgrundtled soldiers.
About Gordian III's parents: Prosopographia imperii Romani saeculi I, II, III, second edition. By E. Groag, A. Stein, L. Petersen, par. I-V, A-O, Berlin-Leipzig 1933.
The English translation of 'Ab excessu divi Marci' (from the death of Marcus Aurelius) by the antique writer Herodian of Antioch. Available on: www.livius.org.
The English translation of the 'Res Gestae Divi Saporis' based on the original text in Parthian and middle Persian by M. Sprengling. As the source the separate translation is used, published by Warren Soward.
The Sibylline Oracles, translated from Greek into English by Milton Spenser Terry, 1890.
Porphyrius, biography of Plotinus, written in the 3th century.
The coins of Gordian from Viminacium
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In the reign of Gordian a rich variety in the coinage took place. The portraits of the young emperor vary greatly from emision trough emision as is the facial expression. Mostly the bust is the type with paludamentum worn over an armoured breast plate. An interesting variety is the so called "naked bust" where a part of the paludamentum (cloak, cape) is only visible on the far side of the left shoulder or sometimes there is no paludamentum at all. Specimens are recorded with a Victoria holding a wreath, placed on the curas of Gordian. In the book of Ferenc Martin there is a photograph of such a coin. The obverse text on Gordians coins is rather uniform. Until some moment in the year III (241/242) the text is always: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG. Somewhere during the year III (241/242) the text was changed in: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG but sometimes old obverse dies were still used in later years.
The reverses of the coins in the name of Gordian have many interesting variations. The smaller variations are Moesia looking to the right instead of to the left (for the spectator) or a Moesia who is standing face forward. Other minor varieties are a standing or a walking bull to the left of Moesia or a walking or a sitting lion to the right of Moesia.
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Standing bull | Walking bull | Walking lion | Sitting lion |
During the first years of the coinage in Viminacium there has been some experimenting with how Moesia was being depicted. Some rare specimens exist where Moesia is placed on a platform and some specimens where the bull and lion are not walking towards her but are moving away from her.
During the year IIII (july 242 - july 243) some very interesting reverse types began to appear. They were possibly struck as a result of a visit to Viminacium by the emperor in person on his way to the campaigns in the east. Interesting types are the ones with the heads of Gordian en his wife Tranquillina on top of the armies signa and the type where Moesia is holding a rabbit or hare by the legs. Hares and rabbits are known as a symbol of fertility. During this time Tranquillina was possibly pregnant or there were high hopes on a future pregnancy. It is suggested that Tranquillina gave birth to a daughter shortly after Gordians death in february 244. Illustrations with the so called four seasons show a personification of autumn who is holding a hare by the rear leggs just as on the coins. Another explanation could be that the hare in the hands of Moesia is refering to the autumn. A season with possibly a special meaning for the Romans in Moesia at that time.
The denominations struck are: as, dupondius, sestertius and piedforts.
The asses have a portrait with a laurel wreath while the dupondii have a portrait with the emperor wearing a radiate crown. The difference in weight between asses and dupondii is sometimes very small. Their difference in value probably came forth from the materials used. The sestertii in their turn are bigger and heavier and the emperor has a portrait with laurel wreath.
Used notations of the local year:
I, used from july 239 until july 240.
II, used from july 240 until july 241.
III, used from july 241 until july 242.
IIII, used from july 242 until july 243.
AN V, used from july 243 until february 244.
Obverse text variations used:
Reverse text variations used:
e: PMS - C - O - LVIM
f: PMS - CO - LVIM
AN I |
As ANNO I - 239/240 - Pick 73 - Martin 1.03.1 - Varbanov 103 | |
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Private collection Weight: 4,22 grams Diameter: 21 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I. (ANNO I) - year 1 (239/240). |
Dupondius ANNO I - 239/240 - Pick 72 - Martin 1.02.1 - Varbanov 104 | |
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Private collection Weight: 6,19 grams Diameter: 22 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I. (ANNO .I.) - year 1 (239/240). |
Sestertius ANNO I - 239/240 - Pick 71 - Martin 1.01.2 - Varbanov 102 | |
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Private collection Weight: 17,17 grams Diameter: 31,57 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I. (ANNO .I.) - year 1 (239/240). Remark: This sestertius from the year I has a remarkable portrait of Gordian. It is possible that this coin is from an early emission and the die cutters did not know exactly what the emperor looked like. |
Sestertius ANNO I - 239/240 - Pick 71 - Martin 1.01.1 - Varbanov 102 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 18,98 grams |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I. (ANNO .I.) - year 1 (239/240). |
As ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 78 - Martin 1.10.1 - Varbanov 110 | |
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Courtesy of Roma Numismatics Weight: 4,82 grams Diameter: 22 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I. (ANNO .I.I.) - year 2 (240/241). |
As ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 78 var. - Martin 1.10.2 - Varbanov 110 | |
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Courtesy of Klassische munzen
Antike Numismatik
Dr. M. Brandt Weight: 5,78 grams Diameter: 21 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (c:) PMSCO - LIVM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I. (ANNO .I.I.) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: This coin shows very well why some types are called "emperor seen from behind wearing paludamentum". The shoulder of Gordian is clearly visible and points forward as if the emperor has turned his back a little towards the viewer and turned his head a bit to the right. Another feature on this coin is the die makers fault IVM in stead of VIM in the text on the reverse. |
As ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 78 var. - Martin 1.16.1 - Varbanov 110 | |
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Courtesy of Helios numismatik Gewicht: 4,90 gram Diameter: 21 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a sitting lion. Text: (c:) PMSCO - LIVM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I. (ANNO .I.I.) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: On this coin the lion next to Moesia is sitting down. |
As ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 78 var. - Martin 1.10 var. - Varbanov - (verg.110) | |
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Weight: 4,82 grams Diameter: 20 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath. This type of bust is known as the naked bust type. Part of the paludamentum (cloak, cape) is only visible on the far side of the left shoulder. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN II (ANNO II) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: Type with the so called "naked bust". The Roman numerals in the exergue have no dots. |
Dupondius ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 77 var. - Martin 1.13.2 - Varbanov 109 | |
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Weight: 6,70 grams Diameter: 21,5 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN II (ANNO II) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: The bull on the left side of Moesia has the left leg in an upright position as if he is walking. |
Dupondius ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 77 var. - Martin 1.09.1 - Varbanov 109 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Gewicht: 8,51 gram Diameter: 22 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN II (ANNO II) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: The bull on the left side of Moesia is standing with both front legs on the ground. |
Dupondius ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 77 var. - Martin 1.13.5 - Varbanov 109 var. | |
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Courtesy of Scottatlaw on Tantalus coin registry Weight: 5,80 grams Diameter: 24 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (B:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS VAG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN II (ANNO II) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: This coin has the die makers fault VAG in stead of AVG in the text on the obverse. |
Dupondius ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 77 var. - Martin 1.15.1 - Varbanov 109 var. | |
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Private collection Weight: 6,84 grams Diameter: 23,88 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion who is SITTING DOWN. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I. (ANNO .I.I.) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: The lion on the right side of Moesia is not walking but SITTING DOWN. |
Sestertius ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 76 var. - Martin 1.12.3 - Varbanov 108 | |
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Weight: 16,23 grams Diameter: 30 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN II (ANNO II) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: On this type the Roman numerals in the exergue have NO dots. |
Sestertius ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 76 - Martin 1.12.1 - Varbanov 108 | |
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Private collection Weight: 16,48 grams Diameter: 31 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I. (ANNO .I.I.) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: On this type the Roman numerals in the exergue have dots. |
Sestertius ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 76 var. - Martin 1.12.3 var. - Varbanov - (Verg. 108) | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 17,88 grams Diameter: 31 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN II (ANNO II) - year 2 (240/241). Opmerking: Type with the so called 'naked bust'. Further this type has on the reverse the legend break CO - L and the Roman numerals in the exergue have no dots. |
Sestertius ANNO II - 240/241 - Pick 76 var. - Martin 1.12.5 - Varbanov - (Verg. 108) | |
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Courtesy of Compagnie General de la Bourse Weight: 20,05 grams |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath. This type of bust is known as the naked bust type. Part of the paludamentum (cloak, cape) is only visible on the far side of the left shoulder. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I. (ANNO .I.I.) - year 2 (240/241). Remark: Type with the so called "naked bust". This type has the break in the reverse text between the C and O of COL and has dots between the Roman numerals in the exergue. |
Dupondius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 80 - Martin 1.23.2 - Varbanov 113 | |
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Weight: 8,09 grams Diameter: 24 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I.I. (ANNO .I.I.I.) - year 3 (241/242). Opmerking: The legend on the obverse is of the early type without PIVS FEL(ix). |
Dupondius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 80 var. - Martin 1.23.6 - Varbanov 113 | |
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Weight: 7,88 grams Diameter: 23 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (d:) PMSCOLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I.I. (ANNO .I.I.I.) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: The legend on the obverse is of the early type without PIVS FEL(ix). This coin has no break in the legend on the reverse, the letter O is placed above the head of Moesia. |
Dupondius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 82 - Martin 1.29.1 - Varbanov 116 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Gewicht: 6,55 gram Diameter: 23 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (d:) PMSCOLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I.I. (ANNO .I.I.I.) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: The legend on the obverse is of the later type with PIVS FEL(ix). |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 79 - Martin 1.21.2 - Varbanov 112 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Gewicht: 17,76 gram Diameter: 30 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN III (ANNO III) - year 3 (241/242). Opmerking: This coin has a somewhat different, harsh portrait of Gordian. |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 79 - Martin 1.21.1 - Varbanov 112 | |
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Weight: 18,22 grams Diameter: 30 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I.I. (ANNO .I.I.I.) - year 3 (241/242). |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 79 var - Martin 1.22.2 - Varbanov 114 | |
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Courtesy of London Ancient Coins Ltd. Weight: 20,60 grams Diameter: 30 mm |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 79 var - Martin 1.22.4 - Varbanov 114 | |
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Courtesy of Munz- handlung Ritter. Weight: 18,17 grams Diameter: ?? mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath. This type of bust is known as the naked bust type. Part of the paludamentum (cloak, cape) is only visible on the far side of the left shoulder. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I.I. (ANNO III) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: Type with the so called "naked bust". This specimen has the reverse text variant 'a' (PMSCO - LVIM) and dots between the numerals of the year. |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick - - Martin - - Varbanov - | |
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Private collection. Weight: 19,10 grams Diameter: 29 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (A:) IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN III (ANNO III) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: This type bears the old obverse text (IMP CAES M ANT etc.) and depicts a STANDING bull in stead of a walking bull. Usually these types have a walking bull (lifted front paw). The circle to the right of the Roman numeral III in the exergue on the reverse seems to be formed due to corrosion. |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 81 var - Martin 1.25.7 - Varbanov - | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 15,47 grams Diameter: 28 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (E:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN III (ANNO III) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: During the local year 3 the obverse text was changed and the titles PIVS and FEL(IX) were added as seen on this coin. On this coin FELIX is written in full. |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 81 var - Martin 1.25.7 - Varbanov - | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 20,16 grams Diameter: 29 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (E:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN III (ANNO III) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: During the local year 3 the obverse text was changed and the titles PIVS and FEL(IX) were added as seen on this coin. On this coin FELIX is written in full. This type has a different portrait of Gordian. |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 81 - Martin 1.25.5 - Varbanov 115 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 19,09 grams Diameter: 31 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMSCO - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN III (ANNO III) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: During the local year 3 the obverse text was changed and the titles PIVS and FEL(IX) were added as seen on this coin. On this type FELIX is abbreviated as FEL. The reverse of the coin has text variant a. |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 81 - Martin 1.25.1 - Varbanov 115 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 17,67 grams Diameter: 31 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN III (ANNO III) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: During the local year 3 the obverse text was changed and the titles PIVS and FEL(IX) were added as seen on this coin. On this type FELIX is abbreviated as FEL. The reverse of the coin has text variant b. |
Sestertius ANNO III - 241/242 - Pick 81 var. - Martin 1.25.8 var. - Varbanov - (Verg. 115) | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 20,72 grams Diameter: 30 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (D:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVGVST (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN .I.I.I. (ANNO .I.I.I.) - year 3 (241/242). Remark: This type has a differnet portrait of Gordian and a more complete obverse text namely AVGVST in stead of AVG. |
Dupondius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 84 - Martin 1.32.1 - Varbanov 119 | |
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Courtesy Nemesis Ancients & Antiquities Weight: 10,30 grams Diameter: 23 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. No draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). Remark: Crude style lettering on obverse and reverse. |
Dupondius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 84 - Martin 1.32.1 - Varbanov 119 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 9,58 grams Diameter: 26 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. No draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). Remark: Finer lettering and finer portrait of Gordian. On the reverse there is some spacing between PMS and the letter C and between de letter C and the head of Moesia. |
Dupondius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 84 - Martin 1.32.1 - Varbanov 119 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 8,70 grams Diameter: 25 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. No draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). Remark: On the obverse a different portrait of Gordian with cruder style. The reverse is finer with finer lettering. |
Dupondius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 86 - Martin 1.39.1 - Varbanov 124 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 8,15 grams Diameter: 24 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left. On het left side a bull and on het right side a lion. In her hands she is holding two army standards. The left one is inscribed with the numerals VII and the right one with the numerals IIII. Draping over her left arm. Text: (e:) PMS - C - O - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). |
Dupondius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 87 - Martin 1.40.1 - Varbanov 126 | |
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Weight: ? grams Diameter: 22 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left. On her left side a bull and on her right side a lion. In her hands she is holding two army standards. The left one is inscribed with the numerals VII and on top of it is placed the head of Tranquillina, the wife of Gordian. The right one is inscribed with the numerals IIII and on top of it is placed the head of the emperor Gordian. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). |
Dupondius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 88 - Martin 1.41.1 - Varbanov 123 | |
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Weight: ? gram Diameter: 22 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left now without the bull and the lion. In her hands she is holding two army standards. The left one is inscribed with the numerals VII and on top of it is placed the image of a bull. The right one is inscribed with the numerals IIII and on top of it is placed the image of a lion. Text: (F:) PMSC - OL - VIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). |
Dupondius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 90 - Martin 1.43.1 - Varbanov 100 | |
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Private collection Weight: 8,02 grams Diameter: 22 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left now without the bull and the lion. In her right hand she is holding a hare by the legs. In her left hand she is holding an army standard inscribed with the numerals VII and IIII. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). |
Dupondius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 91 - Martin 1.45.1 - Varbanov 97a | |
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Courtesy Scottatlaw on Tantalus coin registry Weight: 8,10 grams Diameter: 25 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: The emperor Gordian standing to the left in front of an altar making an offering. In his left hand he is holding a spear. To the left of the altar is placed an army standard inscribed with the numeral VII, the image of a bull is placed on top of the standard. Another army standard is placed to the right of the emperor and is inscribed with the numeral IIII. On top of this standard is placed the image of a lion. Text: (e:) PMS - C - O - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 83 - Martin 1.31.1 - Varbanov - (Verg. 118) | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 18,86 grams Diameter: 31 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. No draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (241/242). Remark: This sestertius has a portrait of Gordian that resembles some of the portraits on the year III sestertii. The first half of the reverse text has a somewhat bigger spacing between the letters PMS and C. |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 83 var. - Martin 1.31.1 - Varbanov - (Verg. 118) | |
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Courtesy Scottatlaw on Tantalus coin registry Weight: 19,21 grams Diameter: 31 mm |
Obverse: A somewhat caractural bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. No draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (241/242). Remark: This sestertius has a different, almost caricatural portrait of the emperor Gordian. The reverse text has a somewhat bigger spacing especially between the letters PMS and C. |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 83 - Martin 1.36.1 - Varbanov - (Verg. 118) | |
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Weight: 18,94 grams Diameter: 29 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (241/242). Remark: Sestertius with youthful portrait of Gordian with short draping of the paludamentum (cloak). |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 83 var. - Martin 1.36.1 - Varbanov - (Verg. 118) | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 20,46 grams Diameter: 31 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (241/242). Remark: Sestertius with another youthful portrait of Gordian with some more draping of the paludamentum (cloak). |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 83 var. - Martin 1.31.1 - Varbanov - (Verg. 118) | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 16,37 grams Diameter: 32 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. No draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (241/242). Remark: Sestertius with another youthful portrait of Gordian with a wider draping of the paludamentum (cloak) around the neck. The portrait is a transition to an older and more strict one. |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 83 var. - Martin 1.36.1 - Varbanov - (Verg. 118) | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 19,24 grams Diameter: 30 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (241/242). Remark: Sestertius with an older and more serious portrait. |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 83 var. - Martin 1.36.1 - Varbanov - (Verg. 118) | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 22,07 grams Diameter: 29 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Draping over her left arm. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (241/242). Remark: Sestertius with an older and more strict portrait as on the next sestertius. |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 89 - Martin 1.42.1 - Varbanov 99 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 20,33 grams Diameter: 30 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left now without the bull and the lion. In her right hand she is holding a hare by the legs. In her left hand she is holding an army standard inscribed with the numerals VII and IIII. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (241/242). |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 85 - Martin 1.38.1 - Varbanov 125 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 19,12 grams Diameter: 29 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left. On het left side a bull and on het right side a lion. In her hands she is holding two army standards. The left one is inscribed with the numerals VII and the right one with the numerals IIII. Text: (e:) PMS - C - O - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). Remark: Sestertius with army standards reverse. Juvenile portrait of the emperor Gordian. |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 85 - Martin 1.38.1 - Varbanov 125 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 21,36 grams Diameter: 30 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left. On het left side a bull and on het right side a lion. In her hands she is holding two army standards. The left one is inscribed with the numerals VII and the right one with the numerals IIII. Text: (e:) PMS - C - O - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). Remark: Sestertius with army standards reverse. In between juvenile and older portrait of the emperor Gordian. |
Sestertius ANNO IIII - 242/243 - Pick 85 - Martin 1.38.1 - Varbanov 125 | |
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Courtesy Scottatlaw on Tantalus coin registry Weight: 20,13 grams Diameter: 31 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left. On het left side a bull and on het right side a lion. In her hands she is holding two army standards. The left one is inscribed with the numerals VII and the right one with the numerals IIII. Text: (e:) PMS - C - O - LVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN IIII (ANNO IIII) - year 4 (242/243). Remark: Sestertius with army standards reverse. Older portrait of the emperor Gordian. |
AN V |
Sestertius ANNO V - 243/244 - Pick 92 - Martin 1.47.2 - Varbanov 120 | |
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Courtesy of the Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 18,36 grams Diameter: 28 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN . V (ANNO V) - year 5 (243/244). |
Dupondius ANNO V - 243/244 - Pick 93 - Martin 1.48.2 - Varbanov 121 | |
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Private collection Weight: grams Diameter: mm |
Obverse: Bust of Gordian to the right with radiate crown, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder worn over armoured breast plate. Text: (C:) IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG (IMPERATOR GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVGVSTVS) - Emperor Gordianus, dutiful and fortunate Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN V. (ANNO V) - year 5 (243/244). |